We are a spinoff company of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) and the University of Crete.
We develop advanced patient-tailored treatments using proprietary technologies
Our Technology
We provide expertise in
precision biofabrication
active biomaterial development
stem cell culture and differentiation
cell and animal models of neurodegeneration
animal models of CNS injury
We develop novel treatments for Central Nervous System Injuries consisting of potent Neural Cell Progenitors grown inside bioactive ​biomaterials

Relevant Publications
Kourgiantaki A., et al. Neural stem cell delivery via porous collagen scaffolds promotes neuronal differentiation and locomotion recovery in spinal cord injury. NPJ Regen Med 5:12, 2020. doi: 10.1038/s41536-020-0097-0.
Georgelou K., et al. Microneurotrophin BNN27 Reduces Astrogliosis and Increases Density of Neurons and Implanted Neural Stem Cell-Derived Cells after Spinal Cord Injury. Biomedicines 11(4):1170, 2023. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines11041170.
Our Team
Achilleas Gravanis, CEO, co-founder
Professor of Pharmacology; Medical School, University of Crete. Affiliated Researcher; IMBB-FORTH. Affiliated Professor; Faculty of Pharmacy, Northeastern University, USA. Affiliated Principal Investigator; Emulate Co, USA. Vice-Chair of Board of Directors; Athens LifeTech Park. Venture partner; BigPi Ventures. Has served as member of the Biomedical Research Program Committee of the European Commission. Co-founder of biotechnology spinoffs BioNature Ltd and ReNeuroCell Therapeutics.

Dimitrios Tzeranis, CSO, co-founder
Assistant Professor; Material Science & Engineering, University of Crete. Affiliated Faculty; IMBB-FORTH. Assistant Professor (unpaid leave); Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Cyprus. Affiliated Faculty; IMBB-FORTH. Founder of FORTH/UoC Biomaterials & Medical Devices Lab. Expertise: bioengineering, mechanical engineering, biomaterials, biofabrication, imaging, robotics.

Ioannis Charalampopoulos, COO, co-founder
Professor of Pharmacology; Medical School, University of Crete & Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory, University General Hospital. Researcher; IMBB-FORTH. Fellow; Dept of Neuroscience, Karolinska Medical School. Director, Graduate Program in Neurosciences, Medical School, University of Crete. Partner; Bionature Ltd.

Konstantinos Fotakis, co-founder
Emeritus Professor of Physics; University of Crete. Distinguished Member; FORTH. Has served as Alternate Minister for Research and Innovation from January 2015 till July 2019.

Emmanuel Stratakis, co-founder
Research Director; IESL-FORTH. Head; Ultrafast Laser Micro- and Nano- processing laboratory. Director; FORTH European Nanoscience Facility. National expert in the High-Level Group of EU on Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing. Member; COST Scientific Committee. Founder and CEO; FORTH spinoff Biomimetic.